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Apr 13, 2023 | Our Blog

Checking Your Outbuildings: Why It’s Essential for the Safety of Cats and Wildlife

Written by Paul James

Outbuildings and sheds are useful spaces for storing tools, equipment, and other items. However, they can also be attractive to animals seeking shelter or warmth, especially during cold or rainy weather. It’s important to check these spaces regularly to ensure that no animals are trapped inside, particularly cats or other domestic pets who may have accidentally wandered in.

There are several reasons why it’s important to check your outbuildings and sheds for animals:

  1. To prevent harm to the animal: If a cat or other animal is trapped inside, they may become injured or even die from lack of food, water, or proper shelter. By checking these spaces regularly, you can prevent this from happening and ensure that any animals in need of help are rescued in a timely manner.
  2. To prevent damage to your property: Wild animals, such as rats or squirrels, can cause damage to your property by chewing through wires or insulation. This can be costly to repair and also pose a potential fire hazard. By checking for any unwanted animals, you can prevent this type of damage from occurring.
  3. To protect your pets: Your own pets may also be at risk if they come into contact with an animal in your outbuildings or sheds. This is particularly true if the animal is a wild predator, such as a fox or coyote. By checking for any unwanted animals, you can protect your own pets from potential harm.
  4. To ensure proper disposal of any waste: If an animal has taken up residence in your outbuildings or sheds, they may be using the space as a toilet. This can create an unpleasant smell and also pose a health risk to humans and other animals. By checking for any unwanted animals, you can ensure that any waste is properly disposed of.

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So, how can you check your outbuildings and sheds for animals? Here are some tips:

  1. Check regularly: Make it a habit to check your outbuildings and sheds on a regular basis, such as once a week. This will help you identify any unwanted animals early on and prevent any potential harm or damage.
  2. Use a flashlight: If your outbuildings or sheds are dark, use a flashlight to help you see inside. This will also help you spot any animals that may be hiding in the shadows.
  3. Listen for sounds: If you’re not sure if an animal is inside, listen for sounds such as meowing, scratching, or rustling. These may be signs that an animal is trapped inside.
  4. Check all openings: Make sure to check all openings, including windows, doors, and vents. Animals can often find their way in through small openings that may not be immediately visible.
  5. Take precautions: If you do find an animal inside, take precautions to protect yourself and the animal. Wear gloves and use caution when handling the animal, and contact a local animal rescue organization or wildlife control agency for assistance.

In conclusion, checking your outbuildings and sheds for animals is an important part of being a responsible pet owner and homeowner. By doing so, you can prevent harm to animals, protect your property, and ensure the safety of your own pets. So, make it a habit to check your outbuildings and sheds regularly, and take the necessary precautions if you do find any unwanted animals.

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